All our services are FREE OF CHARGE and CONFIDENTIAL.

Options Counseling

Our Client Advocates provide clients with information that is based upon the latest available research about all three options one has when pregnant so as to equip our clients to make an informed choice about what to do about being pregnant.

Medical Services

  • Pregnancy verification
  • Limited obstetrical ultrasounds
  • Sexual health information including about STIs/STDs, and
  • Appropriate medical referrals

Life Steps (Parenting Classes)

This free incentive-based program will equip each client who chooses to parent with knowledge and resources by attending monthly classes from wherever the client is in her pregnancy through the first year of the child's life.

Stepping Up (Father Mentoring)

​Fathers have similar and also different thoughts and concerns when confronted with an unplanned pregnancy. This program connects interested fathers with trained and experienced peer mentors to be a resource for their questions and needs.

Pathway To Hope (Abortion Recovery)

We are here to provide support and care after your abortion experience, in individual or group settings depending on which you’re most comfortable with. Everything is confidential and no one will be notified that you’ve contacted us. We can even assist you in finding support outside of your local area for increased confidentiality. Your privacy is important to us. And as always, all our services are free and will remain free.

Click HERE to sign-up.